Bootea 14 Day Teatox Review
Monday, July 25, 2016
Who here has has ever put themselves on a liquid diet in order to lose weight?. Well I have good news! I have actually found a liquid that will aid your weight loss whilst eating healthily. It’s not a fad, it won’t take over your life and it’s temporary but could introduce you to a healthier eating regime. It’s called the Bootea 14 Day Teatox.
I’m a massive lover of a good cuppa. English Breakfast, Green Tea, Raspberry and Echinacea… The whole of the Twinings range. So I was amazed to discover Bootea 14 Day Teatox which meant I could keep up my tea addiction and lose weight. The Teatox comes in two different packets – the Daytime Cleanse and the Bedtime Cleanse.
Upon waking every day you flick your kettle on and instead of your normal Earl Grey you whip up a Bootea Daytime Cleanse instead. Inside the pyramid teabag is a recipe of Chinese Oolong tea, Maté leaves, Ginger root, Fennel seeds, Lemongrass, Dandelion leaf, Ginseng root, Gotu Kola leaves and Nettle leaves. If you’re familiar with herbal tea then you will thoroughly enjoy this earthly blend, however if you are more of a builder’s tea type then you may find the taste a little strange. However it is very healthy and refreshing, so stick with it! After a couple of days your taste buds will have acquired the taste and you will be gulping it down! (Slowly mind… The stuff is hot).

The Bootea 14 Day Teatox is designed to increase your metabolism, burn calories and fat, assist in the digestion of food, suppress your appetite and improve your skin. Whilst the Daytime Cleanse is designed to be consumed every day, the Bedtime Cleanse is designed to be taken every other night. The reason for this is the Bedtime Cleanse works as a laxative… And your body wouldn’t be able to cope with this every day. Because believe me when I say it works, it reaaaallllly works. The Bedtime Cleanse teabag houses a family of ingredients of Senna leaves, Peppermint leaves, Fenugreek seeds, Liquorice root, Burdock root, Hawthorn leaves, Valerian root and Psyllium seeds. Now I will leave the rest to your imagination… I’m sure you won’t want me to go into all the details, but yeah. It works.
The great thing about Bootea is that they don’t sugarcoat their Teatox plans and claim that by drinking their tea you will lose a million pounds and end up with a tight and toned body to rival Megan Fox. They tell you that in order for the Teatox to work, you have to work. That means eating healthily and working out. So get off your rounded butt and go for a walk/skip down the road/cartwheel to your gran’s house. The more you can do to aid the plan, the better the results. So the burning question I’m guessing will all be on your lips is “did it work?”
Well yes. It did. But I worked too!
As well as drinking the tea twice a day, I was working out 5 times a week and eating healthily. I didn’t drastically change my diet at all, just cut out the junk. So you can leave the 90 calorie packaged soups that taste like cardboard on the shelves for the other fad dieters, those days are over for you! As I result I lost a total of 7 lbs over the two week course! Bootea also offer a 28 day Teatox plan if you fancy trying it for a little longer. You could potentially lose double what I did! View all of their plans here. So can you see yourself giving Bootea a whirl? It could be the kickstart you need to a healthier life in general. What have you got to lose? Apart from the obvious…
*post contains a press sample